
Social Media


Dog waiting for a walk from his Dog Walker

I Need More Details!

Great! Here's what you need to know.

I handle the whole kit & caboodle. I dream up articles, research them, write them, edit, format into your custom newsletter template, and send your newsletter to your clients.

Each newsletter contains up to 2 custom content blocks for your business and 3 article blocks packed with pet related articles, health information, cute pictures, pet apps, and games to play with your pets.

Fill your custom sections with anything you choose, for example; specials dates, holiday reminders, feature a pet client of the month, pet pictures, highlight one of your pet sitters, local pet related activites; virtually anything you want.

All articles contain at least two beautiful photos that relate to the articles. And of course, the newsletter contains links to all your social media accounts, website, and email links too.

All newsletters are sent from MailChimp. It's free! It will take you only minutes to open an account, they do NOT require your credit card information for a free account.

I offer a custom designed email template and of course - it includes your logo, branding, and colors. Or, if you already have a template, we can use that.

dog waiting for his dog walker

Each month I load your template up with the newsletter articles, your custom copy, and send you a draft. Once you approve it, bingo! I take care of the rest; I'll send it out to your customers the first week of each month.

For only $30. each month, you’ll get this great newsletter. A one-time $35. fee for your custom designed template which belongs to you, even if you cancel the service.

The fee is billed once each month via PayPal; this couldn’t be easier. There is NO contract to sign and you can cancel at anytime!  (I'm that sure you are going to love this newsletter service)  

I also offer a 50% discount on your next months newsletter for any pet sitter you send my way that signs up for my service.

Want to see some samples? Just click right here to read some of my past newsletters. These copies are drafts. Please note they are copyrighted.

I'll take care of everything newsletter related, you take care of the pets!!

yellow sticking note with to-do list done

Email Me:                         Text Me: 707-879-8222                         See Newsletter Samples:

dog walker to-do list